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Is FMFM something the user can disable from their phone, Adtran IP 706?

I have had the same customer report their Find me Follow me is not working.  Both times, the Call Coverage had been changed from Custom to Use Call Coverage.  Is this something the user can change from their phone, Adtran IP 706?

The first time was immediately after upgrading their Netvanta 7100 to the latest firmware.  At the time we assumed it was due to the upgrade.  Now wondering if something else may be causing the issue.

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3 Replies
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Re: Is FMFM something the user can disable from their phone, Adtran IP 706?

Betsy, that shouldn't be something you can disable from your phone. What firmware version are they currently running? Thanks


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Re: Is FMFM something the user can disable from their phone, Adtran IP 706?

The customer is currently on R11-10-1-E.

Betsy Holtzapple

NOC Technician

Telephone Service Company


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Re: Is FMFM something the user can disable from their phone, Adtran IP 706?

Betsy, there shouldn't be anything the phone can do to cause that. I would verify that there isn't anyone who might be making config changes where they shouldn't be. Thanks
