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New Contributor

Activating SNMP crashes our network

We set up SNMP but if we enable it it brings down our phone VLAN entirely until we disable it on the Adtran again. We're trying to nail down why we're getting some fax transmission failures and are hoping the SNMP will give us additional information. Dual PRI to SIP Fax Gateway

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Re: Activating SNMP crashes our network

Peter, can you please reply with your configuration (with any sensitive information removed), as well as the config you're attempting to add that causes the issue? Thanks


New Contributor

Re: Activating SNMP crashes our network

They're using SolarWinds to poll the Adtran every 30 seconds due to fax issues happening around 45 seconds. As soon as they enable the polling on the SolarWinds it crashes the VLAN.

They didn't install any of the modules on the Adtran, perhaps that's where the problem is? All they did was set up the community string on the Adtran and start polling (it does connect).

Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Re: Activating SNMP crashes our network

30 seconds is a bit aggressive. A few things to check:

Make sure that the Solarwinds application isn't doing a full walk every 30 seconds. It should only poll the parameters of interest and maybe do a full walk daily in off-hours to pick up any new/changed OIDs.

Configure SNMP as a read-only string with an access-list only allowing your monitoring server(s) access, not the Internet at large.


snmp agent

ip access-list standard snmp-access

permit host

permit host

snmp-server community itsasecret RO snmp-access