I have the "configuring sip trunking with the netvanta 7100 and metaswitch metasphere" document but I'm still having issues making this work. Where is the sip user name in the 7100? It seems the Metaswitch needs this but the document doesn't seem to mention this setting in the 7100.
This is how ours are setup:
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "Metaswitch"
sip-server primary 17x.x.x.x
authentication username "xxxx" password "xxxx"
domain ""
sip-keep-alive options 120
codec-group SIPTRUNK
no grammar supported 100rel
voice grouped-trunk "SIP TRUNK"
trunk T01
accept $ cost 0
In the GUI:
Voice, Trunk Accounts, edit the SIP trunk, authentication is under the SIP Registrar Settings on the Sip Settings Tab.
This is how ours are setup:
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "Metaswitch"
sip-server primary 17x.x.x.x
authentication username "xxxx" password "xxxx"
domain ""
sip-keep-alive options 120
codec-group SIPTRUNK
no grammar supported 100rel
voice grouped-trunk "SIP TRUNK"
trunk T01
accept $ cost 0
In the GUI:
Voice, Trunk Accounts, edit the SIP trunk, authentication is under the SIP Registrar Settings on the Sip Settings Tab.
How can I tell on the 7100 in the gui if the trunk is up. I only see where you can see the sip trunk registrations but isn't that the numbers attached to the sip trunk not the sip trunk itself?
The SIP registration used the SIP Trunk to register, if the SIP trunk was down then the number’s wouldn’t be able to register. To prove that, you could go to the Trunk Account, in the GUI, and then set the Administrative Status to Disable: Busy Immediately, and then the registration should fail. Make sure you set it back to Available when done testing.
Hope that helps.
Well progress the trunk is up but the registrations aren't. I am looking at this under the Voice/Reports/Trunk registrations in the GUI.
Do you have SAS? This will tell you whats going on with the registration. Or can you run debug on the 7100? This should tell you whats happening with registrations as well.
I am getting a 480 Temporarily Unavailable. A question does this need to be assigned anywhere else in the 7100? I only have this assigned in the GUI under Voice/Trunk Accounts/Registration Settings. Does this need to be directed to a phone on the 7100?
Yes, I believe so. Try adding one as a DID under a user account extension, then the call will have somewhere to terminate to. I was configuring a TA912 yesterday and found that it would not take calls until I defined a trunk (or FXS port in this case) to terminate to.
Note: we use a Netvanta 3430, not a 7100.
My provider uses a Metaswitch and we have this kind of config:
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "Carrier"
match ani "$" add p-asserted-identity "xxxxxxxxxx"
sip-server primary sip.carrier.com
register auth-name "xxxxxxxxxx" password encrypted "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
codec-list CodecList1 both
authentication username "xxxxxxxxxx" password encrypted "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
The xxxxxxxxxx in match, register, and authentication is my DN.