Hello all,
One of our customer sites reported some bad quality sites where clipping was occurring. The call issues still existed after the site rebooted the router in during the morning, but a few hours later, the issues went away. I engaged the circuit provider to test the circuits and see what they find. The site operates on two bonded T1's and an Adtran 908e. The ISP got back to us saying that they see no issues. Here are the current outputs of the T 0/1 and PPP interfaces:
redland.windsor-kf.ta908e-1#$aces t 0/1 performance-statistics Total-24-hour
24 Hour Performance Statistics:
0 Errored Seconds, 0 Bursty Errored Seconds
0 Severely Errored Seconds, 0 Severely Errored Frame Seconds
0 Unavailable Seconds, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Controlled Slip Seconds
0 Line Errored Seconds, 0 Degraded Minutes
T 0/1
TDM group 1, line protocol is UP
Encapsulation PPP (ppp 1)
423910 packets input, 116661246 bytes, 0 no buffer
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
714 input errors, 318 CRC, 376 frame
20 abort, 0 discards, 0 overruns
553967 packets output, 108136194 bytes, 0 underruns
T 0/2
TDM group 1, line protocol is UP
Encapsulation PPP (ppp 1)
423086 packets input, 116680142 bytes, 0 no buffer
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
597 input errors, 282 CRC, 281 frame
34 abort, 0 discards, 0 overruns
553882 packets output, 108156042 bytes, 0 underruns
Errors increment constantly. What troubleshooting steps should I take to find the root cause or the link between the bad voice quality calls?
The key to tdm-group errors are to monitor if they are currently incrementing while T1 errors stay error free. This appears to be the case in your situation, so this usually means that a frame is coming in that is not a valid HDLC frame. It could be that part of the HDLC frame that was sent from the far end got distorted in the middle. One way this can happen is if RBS is enabled on the T1 circuit somewhere over the span. This could explain why there are zero T-1 errors, but the layer two frames (PPP or HDLC) could get mangled traversing the path. You can attempt to run a QRSS pattern head to head (from both sites) and see if errors are reported in one direction, though this is typically only possible if you control/manage both ends of the layer two link.
The following is the example text from the output of the show interface command for a T-1 interface cross-connected to a frame relay interface. A cross connected PPP interface would show similar output. The output serves as a guide for the following explanations.
TDM group 1, line protocol is DOWN
Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY IETF (fr 1)
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame
0 abort, 0 discards, 0 overruns
0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
Explanatory note: There is a frame-based communications link from one router to the far-end router that is not the same as the encapsulation protocol. All of the following errors, with the exception of discards and runts, pertain to that protocol.
Hope this helps,
How are the T1 interfaces clocked?
What is the cable length and type between the smartjack and the router?
Please run the following command and look at the output:
show system
We're looking for the primary and secondary clock source.
In 99.9% of cases this should be t1 0/1 and t1 0/2 respectively.
If not, configure the following:
timing-source t1 0/1
timing-source t1 0/2 secondary
If the clocking is OK, then post the results of:
show int t1 0/1 performance-statistics
show int t1 0/2 performance-statistics
Could other traffic be congesting the link? Is the poor audio inbound or outbound or both, and is QoS properly configured? Is your carrier applying QoS inbound?
Call a milliwatt test tone line if you know of a local one and perform a speed test while the call is up. Does the tone break up during the download test?
The clocking settings are OK. When issuing the performance-statistics command I see some sporadic occurrences of "1 errored seconds" , "1 severely errored frame seconds", "1 controlled slip seconds" or "1 path code violations". However the number never exceeds 1. The poor audio is only on the inbound, whether internal voip calls or external callers on from their cellphones. The external caller hears the conversation fine, the clipping occurred only on the internal voip phone. The site has a 3Mb pipe, with 12 VoIP phones and 4 analog. Overutilization was never an issue, and the these quality problems only appeared a few days ago. I hoping to correlate the layer 2 incrementing errors from the PPP interfaces to the clipped calls as the customer described.
The slip seconds points to a clocking issue. A handful of errors per day isn't particularly unusual on T1 circuits that traverse outside telephone plant.
Check the LAN side for duplex issues on switch ports as well. If only on the inbound, it could be overutilization, which can be bursty. Turn on VQM and look at MOS scores and reason for degradation.
I engaged the site's LAN team to verify their equipment. Their PPP interfaces are still incrementing input errors. Right now they are sitting at "5273 input errors, 1751 CRC, 3499 frame". Is the cause for this still internal if the carrier says their circuit is clean and "sh int t 0/1 performance-statistics total" shows no errors?
A slight incrementing of input errors on long-haul WAN circuits is somewhat to be expected. T1 circuits pass a little over 1.5 million bits every second. If one per billion bits has an error, that's a bit error rate of 10^-9, pretty good but it's one error about every eleven minutes so they will rack up over time. That's why the 15-minute performance display is useful, you can see if it was a burst of errors.
Some other things to check:
The key to tdm-group errors are to monitor if they are currently incrementing while T1 errors stay error free. This appears to be the case in your situation, so this usually means that a frame is coming in that is not a valid HDLC frame. It could be that part of the HDLC frame that was sent from the far end got distorted in the middle. One way this can happen is if RBS is enabled on the T1 circuit somewhere over the span. This could explain why there are zero T-1 errors, but the layer two frames (PPP or HDLC) could get mangled traversing the path. You can attempt to run a QRSS pattern head to head (from both sites) and see if errors are reported in one direction, though this is typically only possible if you control/manage both ends of the layer two link.
The following is the example text from the output of the show interface command for a T-1 interface cross-connected to a frame relay interface. A cross connected PPP interface would show similar output. The output serves as a guide for the following explanations.
TDM group 1, line protocol is DOWN
Encapsulation FRAME-RELAY IETF (fr 1)
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame
0 abort, 0 discards, 0 overruns
0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
Explanatory note: There is a frame-based communications link from one router to the far-end router that is not the same as the encapsulation protocol. All of the following errors, with the exception of discards and runts, pertain to that protocol.
Hope this helps,
I went ahead and flagged the "Correct Answer" on this post to make it more visible and help other members of the community find solutions more easily. If you don't feel like the answer I marked was correct, feel free to come back to this post and unmark it and select another in its place with the applicable buttons. If you still need assistance, we would be more than happy to continue working with you on this - just let us know in a reply.
I too am having this issue. I have a TA5000 T1 32 port card on one side and I have a 924e at the customers side.
1. The T1 itself is not taking errors and when running patterns using QRSS from one end to the other its all clean.
2. Here is a sample of the stats:
Line Status: -- No Alarms --
5 minute input rate 120792 bits/sec, 68 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 36080 bits/sec, 20 packets/sec
Current Performance Statistics:
0 Errored Seconds, 0 Bursty Errored Seconds
0 Severely Errored Seconds, 0 Severely Errored Frame Seconds
0 Unavailable Seconds, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Controlled Slip Seconds
0 Line Errored Seconds, 0 Degraded Minutes
TDM group 1, line protocol is UP
Encapsulation PPP (ppp 1)
73900221 packets input, 3841744415 bytes, 0 no buffer
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
13240 input errors, 3985 CRC, 5835 frame
3420 abort, 0 discards, 0 overruns
18452346 packets output, 2010944582 bytes, 0 underruns
What can we do to make these errors go away.