I m beating my head against the wall with this one folks.
We have deployed a TA 924 to a customers site. It is termination for a SIP trunk established on our SBC. Here is how it flows.
Inbound call to DID >INVITE SBC > SBC INVITES Softswitch > Softswitch INVITES service port > service port invites public resource (public wan IP) on SBC > SBC Invites the TA 924 > TA924 Voice Trunk to FXO ports
Everything works, with exception to the voice ring-group. When I dial the ring group number, it rings linear to the first unit and then the next. However, when I try to pick up the call, I get a dial tone.
Here is the config.
hostname "Example"
enable password woot
clock timezone -8
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
ip routing
ip domain-name "xxxxxx"
ip domain-proxy
ip name-server
no auto-config
event-history on
no logging forwarding
no logging console
no logging email
no service password-encryption
username "admin" password "xxxx"
banner motd #
| This network is for the use of authorized users only. |
| Users (authorized or unauthorized) should have no explicit |
| or implicit expectations of privacy. Individuals using |
| this network system without authority, or in excess of |
| their authority, are subject to having all of their |
| activities on this network monitored, recorded, and |
| disclosed by system personnel. In the course of |
| monitoring individuals improperly using this network, |
| or in the course of system operation or maintenance or |
| for the purpose of protecting the rights or property of |
| the system provider, the activities of authorized users |
| may be monitored, recorded, and disclosed. Anyone using |
| this network expressly consents to such monitoring, |
| recording, and disclosure and is advised that if such |
| monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, |
| system personnel may provide the resulting evidence to |
| law enforcement officials. |
ip firewall
no ip firewall alg msn
no ip firewall alg mszone
no ip firewall alg h323
no dot11ap access-point-control
qos map QMAP_LAN-IN 10
match list ACL_SRC-PROTO-xxxx-RTP
set dscp 46
qos map QMAP_LAN-IN 20
match list ACL_SRC-PROTO-xxxxx-SIP
set dscp 26
qos map QMAP_WAN-OUT 10
match dscp ef
priority unlimited
qos map QMAP_WAN-OUT 20
match dscp af31
priority unlimited
interface eth 0/1
description WAN
ip address
access-policy PCLASS_WAN-ZONE
media-gateway ip primary
traffic-shape rate 10000000
qos-policy out QMAP_WAN-OUT
no awcp
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/1
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/2
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/3
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/4
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/5
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/6
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/7
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/8
no shutdown
ip access-list extended ACL_DST-PROTO-VOXOX-RTP
permit udp any any range 2000 20000
ip access-list extended ACL_DST-PROTO-VOXOX-SIP
permit udp any any range 5060 5090
permit ip xxxxxx any
permit ip xxxxxxxxxxxx any
permit ip xxxxxxxxxxxx any
permit ip xxxxxxxxxx any
permit ip xxxxxxxxxxxx any
permit ip xxxxxxxxxxxxx any
permit ip any xxxxxxxxxxxxx
permit ip any xxxxxxxxxxxxx
permit ip any xxxxxxxxxxxxx
permit ip any xxxxxxxxxxxxx
permit ip any xxxxxxxxxxxxx
permit ip any xxxxxxxxxxxxx
ip access-list extended ACL_PERMIT-ICMP
permit icmp any any
ip access-list extended ACL_SRC-PROTO-xxxx-RTP
permit udp any range 2000 20000 any
ip access-list extended ACL_SRC-PROTO-xxxxx-SIP
permit udp any range 5060 5090 any
ip policy-class PCLASS_WAN-ZONE
ip route
no ip tftp server
no ip tftp server overwrite
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip snmp agent
no ip ftp server
no ip scp server
no ip sntp server
snmp-server community public RO
ip sip
ip sip udp 5060
no ip sip tcp
voice feature-mode network
voice flashhook mode transparent
voice forward-mode network
voice call-appearance-mode single
voice conferencing-mode local
voice spre 1 *XX
voice dial-plan 1 local NXX-NXX-XXXX
voice dial-plan 2 long-distance 1NXX-NXX-XXXX
voice dial-plan 3 international 011[]
voice codec-list VOXOX_Default
codec g722
codec g711ulaw
codec g729
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "VoIP Trunk To xxxxx"
sip-server primary xxxxxx
dial-string source to
codec-group xxxx_Default
voice grouped-trunk xxxxTRUNKGROUP
trunk T01
accept $ cost 0
voice user 12132850798
connect fxs 0/1
password "1234"
sip-authentication password "1234"
codec-group xxxxx_Default
voice user 12132850799
connect fxs 0/2
password "1234"
sip-authentication password "1234"
codec-group xxxxx_Default
voice ring-group 8001
type linear
description Main Ring Group
num-rings 3
max-inbound 8
did "12132850889"
member 12132850798
login-member 12132850798
member 12132850799
login-member 12132850799
no prefix
ip sip grammar request-uri host domain
ip sip grammar from host domain
ip sip grammar p-asserted-identity host domain
ip sip grammar to host domain
ip rtp udp 19560
ip rtp symmetric-filter
ip sdp grammar hold rfc3264
line con 0
no login
line telnet 0 4
login local-userlist
password xxxxx
no shutdown
line ssh 0 4
login local-userlist
no shutdown
sntp server xxxxx
So, the only thing I cannot configure correctly is the voice ring-group. Both phones ring if in "ring all" type or linear, but when the call is picked up, the phone provides a dial tone.
Any and all assistance is very highly appreciated.
Thanks for posting! Below is an example of the supported configuration for a hunt/ring group on a Total Access 900 series.
voice forward-mode local
voice dial-plan 1 extensions 2000X
voice user 1001
connect fxs 0/1
voice user 1002
connect fxs 0/2
voice user 1003
connect fxs 0/3
voice ring-group 6351
type linear
num-rings 4
member 1001
login-member 1001
coverage internal 20002
coverage internal 20003
voice ring-group 20002
type linear
num-rings 4
member 1002
login-member 1002
voice ring-group 20003
type linear
num-rings 4
member 1003
login-member 1003
In this example, 6351 is inbound dialed number that goes into the linear hunt group. The important details would be that only one voice user is applied to each ring group, all calls start with a primary ring group, and the other ring groups are reached via a coverage statement within the primary ring group. "Ring all" ring groups are not supported on the Total Access 900 series, so any feature like that would need to be handled on the SIP server. For further information regarding this configuration, reference Configuring Hunt Groups in SIP IPBGs. Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you may have.
Thanks for posting! Below is an example of the supported configuration for a hunt/ring group on a Total Access 900 series.
voice forward-mode local
voice dial-plan 1 extensions 2000X
voice user 1001
connect fxs 0/1
voice user 1002
connect fxs 0/2
voice user 1003
connect fxs 0/3
voice ring-group 6351
type linear
num-rings 4
member 1001
login-member 1001
coverage internal 20002
coverage internal 20003
voice ring-group 20002
type linear
num-rings 4
member 1002
login-member 1002
voice ring-group 20003
type linear
num-rings 4
member 1003
login-member 1003
In this example, 6351 is inbound dialed number that goes into the linear hunt group. The important details would be that only one voice user is applied to each ring group, all calls start with a primary ring group, and the other ring groups are reached via a coverage statement within the primary ring group. "Ring all" ring groups are not supported on the Total Access 900 series, so any feature like that would need to be handled on the SIP server. For further information regarding this configuration, reference Configuring Hunt Groups in SIP IPBGs. Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you may have.
I went ahead and flagged the "Correct Answer" on this post to make it more visible and help other members of the community find solutions more easily. If you don't feel like the answer I marked was correct, feel free to come back to this post and unmark it and select another in its place with the applicable buttons. If you still need assistance, we would be more than happy to continue working with you on this - just let us know in a reply.