We are using the TA908e with FXS ports. We've been playing with the dialplans but can't find anywhere that allows us to strip the +1 that the Adtran seems to put on the outbound TO number by default. We are only dialing 10 digit NXX-NXX-XXXX from the FXS test phone but somewhere in the Adtran the +1 is being added. Thoughts?
Try entering the following in your configuration.
no voice international-prefix abbreviated
This command is likely what is causing the E.164 format on the outbound call. Let me know if that helps.
Please post your config.
sip grammar from host local
sip qos dscp 46
sdp grammar hold rfc3264
ip rtp quality-monitoring
ip rtp quality-monitoring sip
qos map VoIP 10
match dscp 46
priority unlimited
interface fxs 0/1
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/2
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/3
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/4
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/5
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/6
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/7
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/8
no shutdown
interface fxo 0/0
no shutdown
voice international-prefix abbreviated
voice feature-mode network
voice timeouts interdigit 3
voice forward-mode network
voice dial-plan 1 long-distance $
voice dial-plan 2 local NXX-NXX-XXXX
voice codec-list Standard
codec g729
codec g711ulaw
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "outboundtrunk"
match dnis "[+1]-NXX-NXX-XXXX" substitute "NXX-NXX-XXXX"
sip-server primary
registrar primary
register 6182 auth-name "6182" password "xxxxxxxx"
codec-list Standard both
voice grouped-trunk SIP
trunk T01
accept NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 1-800-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 1-888-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 1-877-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 1-866-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 1-855-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 411 cost 0
accept 611 cost 0
accept 911 cost 0
accept 0-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 011-$ cost 0
reject NXX-976-XXXX
reject 1-900-NXX-XXXX
reject 1-976-NXX-XXXX
reject 976-XXXX
voice user 103
connect fxs 0/3
first-name "Line"
last-name "3"
password encrypted "xxxxxx"
caller-id-override external-number xxxxxx6184
no special-ring-cadences
sip-identity xxxxxx6184 T01 register auth-name "xxxxxx6184" password "xxxxxxxx"
sip-authentication password encrypted "xxxxxxxxxx"
codec-list Standard
voice user 104
connect fxs 0/4
first-name "Line"
last-name "4"
password encrypted "xxxxxxxx"
caller-id-override external-number xxxxxx6185
no special-ring-cadences
sip-identity xxxxxx6185 T01 register auth-name "xxxxxx6185" password "xxxxxxxxx"
sip-authentication password encrypted "xxxxxxxxx"
codec-list Standard
voice ring-group 2100
type linear
num-rings 3
max-inbound 5
member 103
login-member 103
member 104
login-member 104
sip grammar from host local
sip qos dscp 46
sdp grammar hold rfc3264
ip rtp quality-monitoring
ip rtp quality-monitoring sip
See below
Your configuration looks good. My suspicion is that your TA900 isn't inserting the +1 prefix on its own. The SIP carrier is probably sending you as 302 reformatting the number to E.164 by adding the +1 for a reinvite.
Do the calls complete? Is this a problem or strictly a cosmetic issue?
A sample debug captured with "debug sip stack messages" would be useful.
The calls are generated from behind the Adtran using the FXS ports and a butt set dialing 10 digits. The carrier does not support seeing +1 or + on anything. We will have to remove that to make outbounds. We have another TA900 in the lab we're working with now to test configs. Will print the debug sip if our changes do not work. We have a packet capture on the front of the Adtran so we do see the +1 leaving the box.
Try entering the following in your configuration.
no voice international-prefix abbreviated
This command is likely what is causing the E.164 format on the outbound call. Let me know if that helps.
Try the following line in your T01 config
match dnis "+1NXXXXXXXXX" substitute "NXXXXXXXXX"
no voice international-prefix abbreviated
This is actually the format the carrier needs to see from our device. This was the fix.