I am trying to configure CAC (Call Admission Control) in a TA908 and cannot find an info. Does anyone have an example config that they could share?
Thank you,
Hello and thank you for posting to our forum.
If you have some basic SIP configuration for your application, I can help you come up with a config that should work in the same manner as CAC.
What type of physical connection do you have from the ADTRAN to the SIP Server or next hop? T1, Ethernet?
Do you know if you will be using G.711 or G.729 for calls out the SIP trunk?
Based on the answers to the questions above, we can calculate the max-number of calls to be allowed on the SIP voice trunk. For example, if you are using G.711, we can approximate the bandwidth of each call be be about 90k. If you have a data T1 connection, then you have about 1544k bandwidth. 1544k / 90k = 17.16 calls. To be safe, you can set the max-number of calls to 15 (although 17 should be fine).
In addition, we can put an accept with a higher cost on a different voice trunk so the ADTRAN will use a different trunk (and a different physical interface on the ADTRAN) should the max-number of calls be reached on the SIP trunk. Below would be an example config:
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "T1 to SIP"
sip-server primary
max-number-calls 15
voice trunk T02 type sip
description "Overflow SIP"
sip-server primary
voice grouped-trunk SIP
trunk T01
accept $ cost 0
voice grouped-trunk Overflow
trunk T02
accept $ cost 50
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Stephen,
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