I have a strange problem I hope I can clarify it to you,
firstly I have a number of IP 712 phones connected to NV7100 and map all my 6 analog shared lines to the phone line keys, but "when I press the second line key mapped to a shared line" and start dialing the first digit of the number, I can not dial the second digit and the phone does not accept any more digit and the phone seems to be in a half hang state, for example I can negotiate between the menu setting, read the directory but I can not dial any number neither choose any line key to make another call, then after about 2 minute and 30 seconds the phone start to reboot.
to clarify the the paragraph "when I press the second line key mapped to a shared line": the first line key mapped to analog shared line "regardless of its position" work normally but all line keys mapped to analog shared lines after the first one cause the issue.
As a second note the issue does not happen in any polycom phone.
Kindly find the information of my IP712 phone:
App version : 1.3.12
Boot App Verision: 1.3.12.
Mostafa Aly
Message was edited by: most_ahdy
Several lockup issues were addressed between 1.3.12 and 1.3.16. The release notes for the IP 700 phones can be found here for more information. Since the issue is resolved, please come back to this thread and select a Correct Answer with the button to flag the post.
I would recommend upgrading the IP phones to 1.3.16. You can download it from this page on our main website. To upgrade the phone firmware you can follow the instructions outlined in this guide:
If the problem still happens after the upgrade I would need to see the adtran_<mac-address>.txt configuration file for a phone with this problem, the configuration file for the 7100, and the output from a debug sip stack messages and debug voice verbose while the issue is recreated. If the upgrade does not resolve the issue and you supply the files outlined above please take care to remove any sensitive information first like passwords, public IPs, public phone numbers, etc.
Thanks Matt, the upgrade work very fine and the issue disappear, is this a bug in the oldest firmware?!
Thank you for your advice,
Mostafa Aly
Several lockup issues were addressed between 1.3.12 and 1.3.16. The release notes for the IP 700 phones can be found here for more information. Since the issue is resolved, please come back to this thread and select a Correct Answer with the button to flag the post.