Hi, I have a polycom soundstation 2 connected to FXS 0/1 of Netvanta 7100. I cannot get it to break dial done. It's like it does not understand DTMF. Does anyone have any ideas? I have physical interface enable, receive gain set to -3.0, transmit gain set to -6.0, Caller id 1000, Signaling type loop start, Impedance set to 600 ohm +2.16uF.
This may be related to the recent ticket you opened with analog line problems. If you bypass the NetVanta 7100 and plug directly into an analog line at the site does it work? If it works plugged directly into the line from the provider but not when plugged into the NetVanta 7100 can you paste the output of a show run voice in this thread and remove any sensitive information (phone numbers, names, e-mail addresses, etc)?
This may be related to the recent ticket you opened with analog line problems. If you bypass the NetVanta 7100 and plug directly into an analog line at the site does it work? If it works plugged directly into the line from the provider but not when plugged into the NetVanta 7100 can you paste the output of a show run voice in this thread and remove any sensitive information (phone numbers, names, e-mail addresses, etc)?