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Netvanta 4330 Router losing internet every 24-48 hrs. Reboot fixes it.

Hi, please help!! Every 24-48 hours my Netvanta 4430 router loses connection to the internet.  Then we unplug and re-plug in the router and everything works fine.  Been happening for about 10 days now.  I have access to the Adtran interface.  It doesn't outright show any issues.  What can I provide her that will help find the issue?  Thanks in advance for your help!  -Joel

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Re: Netvanta 4330 Router losing internet every 24-48 hrs. Reboot fixes it.

Need a bit more information. What is the WAN-side connection on the 4430 to the Internet? Is it Ethernet, T-1, SHDSL, etc.?

Does this happen after a long period of inactivity?  It could be that the ISP is expiring a DHCP lease or similar. Try configuring a probe on the 4430 to ping something like your ISP's gateway every 30 seconds or so and see if that helps. You don't need to track the probe with anything.