I have an Adtran Netvanta 4305 with an 8 octel T1 card and two Ethernet port. I have two adtran router behind it.
2 - T1 is active. When the main default route t1 goes down, everything is down. |
How can I configure the 4305 to route everything on eth 0/1 to go out the frame relay 1.500 or 1st T1.
How can I configure the 4305 to route everything on eth 0/2 to go out the frame relay 2.500 or 2nd T1.
ip route fr 2.500
ip route fr 2.500
ip route fr 1.500
Here is the route in place. As you can see everything else is going out fr 2.500 or fr 1.500
T1 -----frame relay 1.500----- (ip address) --- eth 0/1 ---- (ip address) ---------- usable ip on router
T1 (2) - frame relay 2.500 ------- ----------------eth 0/2 -------- (ip address)--------usable ip on router
here is just an example..
Here is how Tech Support show me how to program.
ip access-list extended BACKUP
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended MAIN
permit ip any any
On the route map statement, instead of using the set default interface command, I had to use the set ip next hop X.X.X.X and make that ip address of the next hop that's connected to the Ethernet ports.
Here is how Tech Support show me how to program.
ip access-list extended BACKUP
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended MAIN
permit ip any any
On the route map statement, instead of using the set default interface command, I had to use the set ip next hop X.X.X.X and make that ip address of the next hop that's connected to the Ethernet ports.