Who can tell me what's wrong with the following? Here we have an Adtran NetVanta 3400 series, with a client needing to classify and prioritize voice traffic only.
Who can tell me why we have traffic classified & being matched but not dropped?
qos map VOIP 20
match dscp 46
match precedence 5
priority percent 80
qos map VOIP 21
match list aclVoIP21
set dscp 26
interface ppp 1
description XClient to ISP
ip address X.X.X.X
ip access-policy Public
media-gateway ip primary
ppp multilink
max-reserved-bandwidth 90
qos-policy out UC1VOIP
no shutdown
cross-connect 1 t1 1/1 1 ppp 1
cross-connect 2 t1 1/2 1 ppp 1
ip access-list extended aclVoIP21
permit udp any any eq 5060
permit tcp any any eq 5060
Client1#sh qos map int ppp 1
ppp 1
qos-policy out: VOIP
map entry 20
match IP packets with a DSCP value of 46
match IP packets with a precedence value of 5
priority bandwidth: 80 (% of total)
burst budget 61223/61425 bytes (current/max)
packets matched: 7146021, bytes matched: 1445068601
packets dropped: 0, bytes dropped: 0
5 minute offered rate 101744 bits/sec, drop rate 0 bits/sec
map entry 21
match ACL aclVoIP21
set DSCP value to 26
map entry default
packets matched: 59083412, bytes matched: 15950232115
packets dropped: 0, bytes dropped: 0
5 minute offered rate 1333784 bits/sec, drop rate 0 bits/sec
- Thanks for posting your question on the forum!
Based on your configuration, you have two QoS policies applied to the PPP interface. The first QoS map entry is matching packets with a DSCP value of 46 or IP precedence value of 5 and giving it a priority over 80% of the available bandwidth when the link is in a congested state. The second QoS map entry is matching traffic defined in the ACL "aclVoIP21" and setting the DSCP value of 26.
You will not see any dropped packets unless the PPP link is in a congested state. In other words, traffic that has a DSCP value of 46 or IP precedence value of 5 will be put in a low latency queue that is prioritized above all other user traffic. If no other traffic is present, the queue is allowed to burst up to the interface rate. Otherwise, priority traffic above the specified priority value will be dropped.
More information can be found in the following guide: Configuring QoS in AOS
Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.
- Thanks for posting your question on the forum!
Based on your configuration, you have two QoS policies applied to the PPP interface. The first QoS map entry is matching packets with a DSCP value of 46 or IP precedence value of 5 and giving it a priority over 80% of the available bandwidth when the link is in a congested state. The second QoS map entry is matching traffic defined in the ACL "aclVoIP21" and setting the DSCP value of 26.
You will not see any dropped packets unless the PPP link is in a congested state. In other words, traffic that has a DSCP value of 46 or IP precedence value of 5 will be put in a low latency queue that is prioritized above all other user traffic. If no other traffic is present, the queue is allowed to burst up to the interface rate. Otherwise, priority traffic above the specified priority value will be dropped.
More information can be found in the following guide: Configuring QoS in AOS
Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.
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