Greetings everyone,
I have NetVanta 3430 router connected to T1 and few IP phones connecting to asterisk PBX in the cloud behind it.
I'm switching to new PBX and the issue I encountered is that with new PBX I can register one phone and it will work fine, but if I add second phone it registers and within few minutes becomes unreachable.
I ruled out issue with PBX by registering phones from different location.
Attached is config with some settings removed for security.
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
ip routing
ipv6 unicast-routing
no auto-config
event-history on
no logging forwarding
logging forwarding priority-level info
no logging email
ip firewall
no ip firewall alg msn
no ip firewall alg mszone
no ip firewall alg h323
no ip firewall alg sip
no dot11ap access-point-control
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool "VoIP"
network x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
default-router x.x.x.x
lease 8
ip dhcp pool "VoIP2"
network x.x.x.x255.255.255.0
default-router x.x.x.x
lease 8
no ethernet cfm
interface loop 1
ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
no shutdown
interface eth 0/1
encapsulation 802.1q
no shutdown
interface eth 0/1.1
vlan-id 2
ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
ip access-policy Private
no shutdown
interface eth 0/1.5
description VoIP
vlan-id 5
ip address x.x.x.x255.255.255.0
ip mtu 1500
ip access-policy Private
no shutdown
interface eth 0/2
no ip address
no lldp send-and-receive
interface t1 1/1
tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64
no shutdown
interface ppp 1
ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
ip access-policy Public-Fwd
no lldp send-and-receive
no shutdown
cross-connect 1 t1 1/1 1 ppp 1
ip access-list standard wizard-ics
remark Internet Connection Sharing
permit any
ip access-list extended Management
permit ip x.x.x.x x.x.x.x any
permit ip x.x.x.x x.x.x.x any
permit ip x.x.x.x x.x.x.x any
permit ip any any
ip access-list extended PortFwd
permit tcp any host x.x.x.x eq 2022 log
ip access-list extended self
remark Traffic to NetVanta
permit ip any any log
ip policy-class Private
allow list self self
nat source list wizard-ics interface ppp 1 overload
ip policy-class Public
allow list Management
allow list Management self
ip policy-class Public-Fwd
nat destination list PortFwd address x.x.x.x port 22
allow list Management self
ip route x.x.x.x
no tftp server
no tftp server overwrite
http server
http secure-server
no snmp agent
no ip ftp server
ip ftp server default-filesystem flash
no ip scp server
no ip sntp server
sip udp 5060
sip tcp 5060
jayh, sorry for getting back so late.
The suggested settings did not work.
Phones register registers and within minute unregistered itself.
Try the following:
ip firewall alg sip
sip proxy
sip proxy transparent
ip rtp symmetric-filter
interface eth 0/1.5
media-gateway ip primary
interface ppp 1
media-gateway ip primary
jayh, sorry for getting back so late.
The suggested settings did not work.
Phones register registers and within minute unregistered itself.