Goal: Create VLANs to separate wifi and wired traffic.
Equipment: 1234 switch and 3430 router.
Where I'm at:
As I understand it, these steps are sufficient to set up two VLANs. However, I could not access the router or ping the sub-interfaces from either VLAN (using a pc assigned a static ip address on the VLAN's subnet and connected to the appropriate VLAN port). Is there something I'm missing?
Dear halgrind,
Yeah you could achieve that by using ACL's in which you can define that the segment of the WiFi clients is not permited to access your wired VLAN.
Can you post the extract of your configuration without sensitive information. A first clue that I have is how's the firewall working!? did you apply rules on private interfaces for allow communication!?
Do you assign switchports correctly on the NV1234?
If you attach the configuration files would be more easily identify the issue.
Thanks, I did not think about the firewall.
I applied the existing "private" security zone to both and it's working.
However, I'd like to separate the traffic if possible. Guests can access the wifi and I'd like to keep the wired VLAN secure. How would I set up the firewall to do this?
Dear halgrind,
Yeah you could achieve that by using ACL's in which you can define that the segment of the WiFi clients is not permited to access your wired VLAN.
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