Need help configuring QoS on Netvanta 3448. Need to give priority to VoIP traffic over the data traffic. The customer has a 10 Mbps Fiber connection. Using DSCP 26 & 46.
Also, is QoS applied to int ppp or int eth 0/1?
interface eth 0/1
description Connection to FTTH ONT
no ip address
no shutdown
interface ppp 1
ip address negotiated
ip access-policy Public
media-gateway ip primary
no fair-queue
ppp pap sent-username password encrypted
no shutdown
cross-connect 1 eth 0/1 ppp 1
Once you create the qos map, you should apply it to the logical interface with the IP address, so in this case the PPP interface
Something like qos-policy out <name of QOS Map>
interface ppp 1
qos-policy out VOIP-OUT
Do I have to statically assign the bandwidth of 10 Mbps to the interface? How do I set up to reserve 2 Mbps of bandwidth for VoIP?
Hi tasha:
The guides Configuring QoS in AOS and Configuring Enhanced Ethernet Quality of Service (EEQoS) in AOS are very helpful and include configuration examples. Do you want to take a look and let us know if you have additional questions?