I have one WAN IP address from the ISP, and a few VLAN interfaces on the LAN side of my existing configuration. I would like to configure VRRP for both the WAN and LAN side. This way, I would only need the one WAN IP address and a single default gateway for each VLAN interface. I haven't seen any configuration examples like that, but would like to try it.
Hi vmaxdawg05:
Here's an example for VRRP on two interfaces. It's not identical to your configuration. In our case, 802.1Q sub-interfaces were required. Another vendor manages the secondary device, so I only have config details for the primary VRRP device:
interface eth 0/1
encapsulation 802.1q
no shutdown
interface eth 0/1.1
description Default VLAN
vlan-id 1 native
ip address
ip access-policy Private
vrrp 1 description Data
vrrp 1 ip
no shutdown
interface eth 0/1.7
description Voice VLAN
vlan-id 7
ip address
ip access-policy Private
vrrp 2 description Voice
vrrp 2 ip
no shutdown
interface eth 0/2
no ip address
Perhaps this will get you started.