How may I force a Netvanta 1638p to tag the native VLAN on all its 802.1Q trunks ?
The following will set a port to untagged access on vlan 100. Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
interface switchport 0/1
description Tagged One VLAN
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 100
John Wable
This is how you configure an 802.1Q trunk with a specific native VLAN. By default, the native VLAN ID is 1. If you need another VLAN set for untagged traffic, you need to specify the native VLAN ID.
interface switchport 0/1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 100
no shutdown
This will allow the port to be an 802.1Q trunk, but pass untagged traffic to a specific VLAN.
I hope this helps.