Just to confirm that if I am going to aggregate links between two 1534's, I would only need to make the configuration on one switch.
For example. SW1 and SW2
SW 1 configuration
interface port-channel 1
description Uplink to .111
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
spanning-tree edgeport
no shutdown
interface gigabit-switchport 0/20
no shutdown
channel-group 1 mode on
interface gigabit-switchport 0/21
no shutdown
channel-group 1 mode on
SW2 - ??? Default?
Thank you in advance
Thank you for asking this question in the support community. Your configuration looks accurate for "SW 1," but link aggregation (LACP) needs to be configured on both sides (the command spanning-tree bpdufilter enable is not needed for LACP configurations). Therefore, the configuration will need to be duplicated on "SW2."
Here is the LACP guide for reference.
I hope that makes sense, but please do not hesitate to reply if you have any additional information or questions in the future. I will be happy to help in any way I can.
Thank you for asking this question in the support community. Your configuration looks accurate for "SW 1," but link aggregation (LACP) needs to be configured on both sides (the command spanning-tree bpdufilter enable is not needed for LACP configurations). Therefore, the configuration will need to be duplicated on "SW2."
Here is the LACP guide for reference.
I hope that makes sense, but please do not hesitate to reply if you have any additional information or questions in the future. I will be happy to help in any way I can.
Thank you Levi. The LACP guide wasnt quite clear on the configuration of the second switch if it were also an Adtran. Thank you for clearing this up.