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ACL vs hardware ACLs

I have two NetVanta 1544 gen 2 switches that I am trying to configure a hardware acl on.

When I do it through the GUI every time I configure a hardware acl it gets converted to a acl.

When I try to do it through the command line, I can create the hardware acl but when I go to add the rules it gives me an error the it "Could not perform action."  (I'm assuming because it converted the hardware acl to an acl)

I am running AOS 10.5.3.

I am wanting to do it as a hardware acl because I want to apply the rules to vlans not individual ports.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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2 Replies

Re: ACL vs hardware ACLs

I worked on this problem for several hours and then shortly after posting here I found the problem.

It would appear that if you use the name of a vlan as the name of the acl then it creates this problem.

This might be a bug but also might be by design.  Someone should look into this.


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Re: ACL vs hardware ACLs


Thank you for asking this question in the support community.  When you get a chance, will you provide some additional information and examples about what you were doing that was causing the issue?  This will allow me to try to determine what the problem was.
