When cross connecting the second T1 within the fr 1 interface, is there another commnad that needs to be enter simular to ppp multilink?
@cburgamy - Before adding a second cross-connect to the frame-relay interface, you will need to enable multilink on the interface. This can be done in the CLI as shown with the following example:
router(config)# interface fr 1
router(config-fr 1)# frame-relay multilink
This can also be done in the web interface, by navigating to "Physical Interfaces" and the selecting the T1 interface that is already cross-connected to the frame-relay interface. Once on that configuration page, you will see an option under 'Encapsulation' to check the box to enable multilink frame-relay.
More information regarding how to configure and troubleshoot frame-relay can be found in the following guide: Configuring Frame Relay in AOS
Let us know if you have any further questions.
@cburgamy - Before adding a second cross-connect to the frame-relay interface, you will need to enable multilink on the interface. This can be done in the CLI as shown with the following example:
router(config)# interface fr 1
router(config-fr 1)# frame-relay multilink
This can also be done in the web interface, by navigating to "Physical Interfaces" and the selecting the T1 interface that is already cross-connected to the frame-relay interface. Once on that configuration page, you will see an option under 'Encapsulation' to check the box to enable multilink frame-relay.
More information regarding how to configure and troubleshoot frame-relay can be found in the following guide: Configuring Frame Relay in AOS
Let us know if you have any further questions.
I knew I was missing something,
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