Customer has a Netvanta 3448 with eight NV 150's connected to the switchports. They want to provide two SSID's, one called Corporate_wifi for Corporate users to access the corporate lan as well as the Internet, the other SSID called Guest_wifi is to provide Guests access to the Internet only. The inetrnet is available through ethernet 0/1 IP Address The corporate lan is on ethernet 0/2 IP Address Valn 1 is not shutdown, but has no ip address. Vlan 2 has IP Address The 3448 has a DHCP Server pool for the Guest users delivering with Default gateway, excluded addresses There is a DHCP server on the corporate Lan at to provide corporate wireless users a dhcp address. AWCP is enabled and sees the NV150's as being controlled by the 3448. On switchport 0/1 an IP address is sent to the unit and it is up and running.
interface dot11ap 1 ap-type nv150
access-point mac-address 00:A0:C8:xx:xx:xx
name Corporate_AP1
encapsulation 802.1q awcp-vlan 1 native priority 7
event-history on
event-history priority 6
interface dot11ap 1/1 radio-type 802.11bg
no shutdown
interface dot11ap 1/1.1
description Wiz_802.11BG_VAP
ssid broadcast-mode "Corporate_wifi_
security mode wpa tkip aes-ccmp psk xxxxxxxxxx
no shutdown
interface dot11ap 1/1.2
description Guest_wifi
vlan-id 2
ssid broadcast-mode "Guest_wifi"
security mode none
no shutdown
Now the problem is when a PC connects wirelessly they can connect to SSID Corporate_wifi just fine and get to the Internet, but they get an address 192.168.1.x, I have not configured bridging between the switchports and the ethernet0/2 so it can't get an address 172.16.x.x yet but i didn't think it would get an address from the Guest_wifi pool 192.168.1.x. Then when we try connecting to the SSID Guest_wifi it looks like it is trying to connect, but never gets an address. We have int dot11ap 1/1.2 configured with the Vlan-id 2 command and believe it should be assigned an address from the 192.168.1.x range.
Can anyone help?
Thank you,
John Evans
Based on the configuration, your NetVanta 150 should be plugged into switchport 0/1 of the NetVanta 3448 since it is set as an access port for vlan 2. The rest of the switchports on the NetVanta 3448 are set as access ports for vlan 1. If you need to pass more than one vlan through the NetVanta 150, then the switchport and virtual access point should be set as a trunk. The configuration shows an example of this. In the case below, the native vlan is set to 1, while both vlan 1 and 2 will be passed through the trunk link:
interface switchport 0/1
spanning-tree edgeport
no shutdown
switchport mode trunk
interface dot11ap 1 ap-type nv150
access-point mac-address 00:A0:C8:69:3F:58
name _AP1
encapsulation 802.1q awcp-vlan 1 native priority 7
event-history on
event-history priority 6
interface dot11ap 1/1 radio-type 802.11bg
no shutdown
interface dot11ap 1/1.1
description Wiz_802.11BG_VAP
ssid broadcast-mode "xxxxxxxxxx"
security mode wpa tkip aes-ccmp psk xxxxxxxx
no shutdown
interface dot11ap 1/1.2
description Guest_Wireless
vlan-id 2
ssid broadcast-mode "xxxxxxxxx_Guest"
security mode none
no shutdown
Let us know if you are still having issues or have any further questions. Please be sure to include the most recent config, if any changes have been made, and also please note which port the NetVanta 150 is plugged into.
I'd be more than happy to help you. Could you provide the current configuration of the NetVanta 3448? Please be sure to remove any IP addresses and/or passwords that may be sensitive to your company.
Message was edited by: Noor Ahmad
Based on the configuration, your NetVanta 150 should be plugged into switchport 0/1 of the NetVanta 3448 since it is set as an access port for vlan 2. The rest of the switchports on the NetVanta 3448 are set as access ports for vlan 1. If you need to pass more than one vlan through the NetVanta 150, then the switchport and virtual access point should be set as a trunk. The configuration shows an example of this. In the case below, the native vlan is set to 1, while both vlan 1 and 2 will be passed through the trunk link:
interface switchport 0/1
spanning-tree edgeport
no shutdown
switchport mode trunk
interface dot11ap 1 ap-type nv150
access-point mac-address 00:A0:C8:69:3F:58
name _AP1
encapsulation 802.1q awcp-vlan 1 native priority 7
event-history on
event-history priority 6
interface dot11ap 1/1 radio-type 802.11bg
no shutdown
interface dot11ap 1/1.1
description Wiz_802.11BG_VAP
ssid broadcast-mode "xxxxxxxxxx"
security mode wpa tkip aes-ccmp psk xxxxxxxx
no shutdown
interface dot11ap 1/1.2
description Guest_Wireless
vlan-id 2
ssid broadcast-mode "xxxxxxxxx_Guest"
security mode none
no shutdown
Let us know if you are still having issues or have any further questions. Please be sure to include the most recent config, if any changes have been made, and also please note which port the NetVanta 150 is plugged into.
Thank you Noor. That is what we needed.