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Replaced System.

I just replaced a Netvanta 7100 with 60 phones.  Couple problems I am having.  All phones except 1 ip706 can call out.  Can't get this 1 phone to call the outside world.  Works great on intercoms.  2nd problem is customer has a Polycom650 phone with 2 side cars on it.  Before they used to transfer calls by hitting transfer, dialing ext and it would transfer.  Now they have to hit transfer, dial ext, and hit send or transfer again.

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12 Replies
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Re: Replaced System.

Stanley, can you please provide "debug sip stack message" and "debug voice verbose" of the 706 trying to dial out?

As for the transfer behavior you're describing, that does sound normal. Can you confirm whether the version of firmware running on the phones or the 7100 changed between the 2 systems?



Re: Replaced System.

Thank you Jay I replaced the phone and the new phone works great.  Still having problems with transferring from the main console.  Still having to hit trans, dial ext, and hit send on softkeys.  Yes the software has changed went from to  Also they can't transfer to VM.  Do I have to reprogram a key again for this function to work?

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Re: Replaced System.

Stanley, the software version change you mentioned doesn't make sense. There isn't any 1.x firmware available for the Polycoms. Can you confirm the version of firmware the Polycom phone is running now and attach the extension-mac.cfg file for that phone?

Re: Replaced System.


What I meant was the 7100 I removed was running A4.03.00.SC as its firmware.  The only replacement I had at the time to ship them the 7100 has A1.03.00.E on it.  I would imagine there is a problem with the phone software that was loaded on the A4.03.00 unit and the software loads for Polycom phones on the unit running A1.03.00E on it.  The only problems I have left to resolve is Polycom (don't know about adtran phones) transferring to VM and transferring to another ext without having to use the softkey send to complete the transfer.  Can I upgrade this unit to A4.03.00?  If not what can I do to make these 2 items noted work?

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Re: Replaced System.

Stanley, both of the firmware versions you mentioned are long out of their software support dates. you would need to upgrade to one of the latest maintenance releases on our website in order for us to troubleshoot properly. Thanks


Re: Replaced System.

Jay How far do I need to go and what is the cost with this.  And to what version would I upgrade?  Do I have enough memory to hold the new version of firmwares and bootloader?

Not applicable

Re: Replaced System.

Stanley, what is the part number on your system? As long as you don't have a first generation, you would be fine to upgrade. The goal would be to get to either of the 2 EMRs posted on the 7100 firmware page. Thanks


Re: Replaced System.

Jay part number on unit is 1200796E1.  I looked on the software page and what is EMR you are talking about?  Thank you for your help

Not applicable

Re: Replaced System.

Stanley, that part number will support the latest firmware. The EMR is the extended maintenance release, which is outlined on the software page. Thanks


Re: Replaced System.

Jay I hate to keep asking but I am on software page and still confused about which firmware I can use.  R 10.3.3  R10.5.4 etc?  I just want to know which firmware to load that will cause me the least amount of problems  This site is 6 hrs away that's why I am asking..................  If it goes down I'm looking at 2 days worth of work to get there and get it straightened out.

Re: Replaced System.

Also I see the bootloader has changed and I can't find it on your site anywhere or is that included in the firmware?

Not applicable

Re: Replaced System.

Stanley, from the software download page:

ADTRAN will identify an Extended Maintenance Branch approximately once per year. In these Extended Maintenance Branch releases, bugs will continue to be addressed but no new features will be added (separate ongoing feature releases will continue to be made available). Our plan is to periodically publish Extended Maintenance Branch releases with bug fixes throughout the year, until the next Extended Maintenance Branch is identified.

Unless there is a specific feature needed in a later feature release, ADTRAN recommends using the latest Extended Maintenance Branch release for your AOS product.

If you look under the column titled "Current Extended Maintenance Release", you will see the versions available there. I believe the latest is 11.4.4.

You will need to open a ticket with support to obtain the latest BootROM.

