Currently I have followed the instructions which had me enter the following commands and still no luck:
ip flow export destination 192.168.x.x 6343 (this is pointing to the external tool collector and port 6343)
ip flow export template timeout-rate 5
ip flow cache timeout active 1
interface gigabit-eth 0/1
description Customer LAN
encapsulation 802.1q
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/1.1
description DATA
vlan-id 10
ip address 192.168.x.1
ip flow ingress
ip flow egress
no shutdown
Is there anything else I'm missing?
Okay, I figured it out. I configured the port for sFlow (6343) instead of NetFlow (2055) and "ip ffe" needs to be configured on the interface
Seems the Total Access 908e routers, NetVanta 5600 routers and all other Adtran routers only support NetFlow and not sFlow.
EDIT (Working Config):
ip flow export destination 192.168.x.x 2055 source gig 0/5.1 (I am sourcing only on the WAN interface so I can exclude internal traffic)
ip flow export template timeout-rate 5
ip flow cache timeout active 1
int gig 0/5.1
ip ffe (must be entered in order for this to work. If you do a sho run, it will not be shown but if you do a "sho ip ffe" then you'll see it's enabled.)
ip flow ingress
ip flow egress
This is a good posting just in case any one else wonders.
BTW I am using LogicMonitor as my external source.
Okay, I figured it out. I configured the port for sFlow (6343) instead of NetFlow (2055) and "ip ffe" needs to be configured on the interface
Seems the Total Access 908e routers, NetVanta 5600 routers and all other Adtran routers only support NetFlow and not sFlow.
EDIT (Working Config):
ip flow export destination 192.168.x.x 2055 source gig 0/5.1 (I am sourcing only on the WAN interface so I can exclude internal traffic)
ip flow export template timeout-rate 5
ip flow cache timeout active 1
int gig 0/5.1
ip ffe (must be entered in order for this to work. If you do a sho run, it will not be shown but if you do a "sho ip ffe" then you'll see it's enabled.)
ip flow ingress
ip flow egress
This is a good posting just in case any one else wonders.
BTW I am using LogicMonitor as my external source.