I currently have the following interface setting:
interface eth 0/2
ip address
ip address secondary
ip access-policy Private
no awcp
no shutdown
This is my lab so I can do whatever I want...
I have a computer pluged into eth 0/2. When I do a whatsmyip.com or ipchicken its showing the wan of of the IAD and not the so like a Mail server wont work. Typically we would have a whole other interface with the ip but we dont...
How can I get the to work correctly as if it was not NAT'd.
More Config Below:
interface eth 0/2
ip address
ip address secondary
ip access-policy Private
no awcp
no shutdown
ip access-list standard wizard-ics
remark Internet Connection Sharing
permit any
ip access-list extended self
remark Traffic to Total Access
permit ip any any log
ip access-list extended voip-sig
permit udp any any eq 5060
permit tcp any any eq 5060
ip access-list extended web-acl-6
permit tcp any any eq www log
permit tcp any any eq telnet log
permit udp any any eq snmp log
permit icmp any any echo log
ip access-list extended web-acl-7
remark SIP-ALLOW
permit tcp any any eq 5060 log
permit udp any any eq 5060 log
ip access-list extended web-acl-8
remark ALLOW-ALL
permit ip any any
ip policy-class Private
allow list self self
nat source list wizard-ics interface gigabit-ethernet 0/1 overload
ip policy-class Public
allow list web-acl-7 self
allow list web-acl-8
allow list web-acl-6 self
I'm assuming that the computer connected to eth 0/2 is on a public address between and .190 with a gateway of .185.
Make the following changes:
1. Restrict NAT to private addresses only.
ip access-list standard wizard-ics
remark Permit private for NAT
no permit any
2. Create an ACL to allow public IPs on eth 0/2 out to Public
ip access-list standard public-eth02-list
3. Modify the Private policy-class
ip policy-class Private
allow list self self
nat source list wizard-ics interface gigabit-ethernet 0/1 overload
allow list public-eth02-list policy Public
It might be cleaner to configure port eth 0/2 with two VLANs as two logical ports, one for the public and one for the private. Trunk that to a switch and configure access ports on the switch for your public and private subnets.
I agree with Jay's recommendation of creating VLAN's on the interface one Public, One Private. Below is an example of that configuration. Also sure it's just a typo but in your Nat Overload statement you are referencing a non existent port. On the switch that eth 02 connects to set the port as trunk port with allowed vlans 1,5. On the switchport connecting to the ISP set your switch port to access vlan 5, then make sure you have on untagged access port on vlan 1 connecting to the private side internal network somewhere. Also just checking I did not see ip media gateway primary anywhere is it eth 0/1 being used to connect to the sip provider?
Sample of a VLANed Interface:
interface eth 0/2
encapsulation 802.1q
no shutdown
interface eth 0/2.1
vlan-id 1 native
ip address
ip access-policy Private
no shutdown
interface eth 0/2.5
vlan-id 5
ip address
ip access-policy public
no shutdown
ip access-list extended OutsideToInside
!Used for any inbound connections to be allowed like management location or Sip Server
permit ip XX.XX.XX.XX any
ip access-list extended self
remark Traffic to Netvanta
permit ip any any log
ip policy-class Private
allow list self self
nat source list NAT interface eth 0/2.5 overload
ip policy-class public
allow list OutsideToInside self
ip route 208.122.124.XXX