Here is a copy of my generic configuration file. Can you tell me what I am missing? It would appear that my FXS lines are still registering under the primary trunk T01 instead of under trunk T03...
hostname "TA908_Lab_Test_PRI"
enable password encrypted 3b31a5e9d474533016e98c03c44aac98bda6
clock timezone -6-Central-Time
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
ip default-gateway
ip routing
ip host ""
ip name-server
no auto-config
event-history on
no logging forwarding
no logging email
service password-encryption
username "admin" password encrypted "3b334593645202213b4261202185124bef3f"
username "hidden_user" password encrypted "161f77f22f3d9e6178d3749f9d434ab7057c"
banner login #
* *
* *
* This system is restricted solely to XYZ Co. authorized users for legitimate *
* business purposes only. The actual or attempted unauthorized access, *
* use, or modification of this system is strictly prohibited by XYZ Co. *
* Unauthorized users are subject to Company disciplinary proceedings and/or *
* criminal and civil penalties under state, federal, or other applicable *
* domestic and foreign laws. The use of this system may be monitored and *
* recorded for administrative and security reasons. Anyone accessing this *
* system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if *
* monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, XYZ Co. may *
* provide the evidence of such activity to law enforcement officials. All *
* users must comply with XYZ Co. Information Security policy regarding the *
* protection of XYZ Co. information assets. *
* *
no ip firewall alg ftp
no ip firewall alg msn
no ip firewall alg mszone
no ip firewall alg pptp
no ip firewall alg h323
aaa on
aaa authentication banner #
* *
* *
* This system is restricted solely to XYZ Co. authorized users for legitimate *
* business purposes only. The actual or attempted unauthorized access, *
* use, or modification of this system is strictly prohibited by XYZ Co. *
* Unauthorized users are subject to Company disciplinary proceedings and/or *
* criminal and civil penalties under state, federal, or other applicable *
* domestic and foreign laws. The use of this system may be monitored and *
* recorded for administrative and security reasons. Anyone accessing this *
* system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if *
* monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, XYZ Co. may *
* provide the evidence of such activity to law enforcement officials. All *
* users must comply with XYZ Co. Information Security policy regarding the *
* protection of XYZ Co. information assets. *
* *
ftp authentication LoginUseLocalUsers
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login LoginUseTacacs group tacacs+
aaa authentication login LoginUseRadius group radius
aaa authentication login LoginUseLocalUsers local
aaa authentication login LoginUseLinePass line
aaa authentication enable default enable
no dot11ap access-point-control
qos map XYZ Co_Qos 10
match dscp 46
match ip rtp 16384 32767 all
priority 2200
set dscp 46
qos map XYZ Co_Qos 15
match dscp 24
match list allow-sip
priority 384
set dscp 24
interface eth 0/1
description to TA908 PRI/POT's
ip address
media-gateway ip primary
max-reserved-bandwidth 95
qos-policy out XYZ Co_Qos
no awcp
no shutdown
no lldp send-and-receive
interface t1 0/1
snmp trap threshold-reached
interface t1 0/2
description T1 0/2 to PRI to PBX
fdl att
snmp trap threshold-reached
tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64
no shutdown
interface pri 1
description PRI to PBX
isdn name-delivery setup
calling-party number 620xxxxxx0
connect t1 0/2 tdm-group 1
role network b-channel-restarts enable
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/1
description "620xxxxxx1"
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/2
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/3
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/4
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/5
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/6
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/7
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/8
no shutdown
isdn-group 1
connect pri 1
ip access-list standard nat-all
permit any
ip access-list extended allow-sip
permit udp any eq 5060 any
ip access-list extended debug_pri
permit udp any eq 5060 any eq 5060
ip access-list extended ValuNet-standard
deny udp any eq 1433 any log
deny udp any eq 1434 any log
deny udp any eq netbios-dgm any log
deny udp any eq netbios-ns any log
deny udp any eq netbios-ss any log
ip route
no ip tftp server
no ip tftp server overwrite
ip http authentication LoginUseLocalUsers
ip http server
ip http secure-server 123456
ip snmp agent
no ip ftp server
no ip scp server
no ip sntp server
snmp-server enable traps snmp
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server host traps version 1 public snmp
ip sip
ip sip udp 5060
no ip sip tcp
voice feature-mode network
voice forward-mode network
voice codec-list g729
codec g729
codec g711ulaw
voice codec-list g711
codec g711ulaw
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "XYZ Co_sip-trunk to META/PRI"
sip-server primary
registrar primary
outbound-proxy primary
authentication username "B620xxxxxx0" password encrypted "2c2ade02811798582fc8b57565b9b766ed74"
domain ""
sip-keep-alive options 30
max-number-calls 23
register 620xxxxxx0
codec-group g711
voice trunk T02 type isdn
description "T02"
resource-selection linear ascending
connect isdn-group 1
rtp delay-mode adaptive
codec-group g711
voice trunk T03 type sip
description "XYZ Co_sip-trunk to META/POT's"
sip-server primary
registrar threshold percentage 1
outbound-proxy primary
domain ""
codec-group g711
voice grouped-trunk SIPMAP
trunk T03
accept 9NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-800-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-888-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-877-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-866-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-855-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-900-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 91-976-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 9011-$ cost 200
accept 9411 cost 200
accept 9611 cost 200
accept 9911 cost 200
accept 90-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 910-10-XXX-$ cost 200
accept 9NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept *XX cost 200
accept *XXX cost 200
accept NXX cost 200
accept NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-800-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-888-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-877-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-866-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-855-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-900-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 1-976-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 011-$ cost 200
accept 411 cost 200
accept 611 cost 200
accept 911 cost 200
accept 0-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept 10-10-XXX-$ cost 200
accept NXX-XXXX cost 200
accept *XX$ cost 200
accept NXX-XXX-XXXX cost 200
voice grouped-trunk T01
description "SIP to Meta/PRI"
trunk T01
accept $ cost 0
voice grouped-trunk T02
description "To PBX"
trunk T02
accept $ cost 1
voice grouped-trunk T03
description "SIP to Meta/POT's"
trunk T03
accept $ cost 2
voice user 620xxxxxx1
connect fxs 0/1
first-name "620xxxxxx1"
last-name "xxxxxx1"
password encrypted "3f3b802c6899a4539120d2dbd1042cd80022"
sip-identity 620xxxxxx1 T03 register auth-name "620xxxxxx1" password encrypted "25239f40687eff191a68834f6a8f51cf3304"
sip-authentication password encrypted "23276f427bfc89780d7b16d61c9b89691d63"
ip sip qos dscp 24
ip rtp udp 16384
line con 0
login authentication LoginUseLocalUsers
line telnet 0 4
login authentication LoginUseLocalUsers
password encrypted 262e62f350fac67818df30ef9ce2abebb767
no shutdown
line ssh 0 4
login authentication LoginUseLocalUsers
no shutdown
sntp server version 3
Per our conversation over Technical Support email, I will post the solution below:
1. Had to build 3 voice trunks (1 toward the network = T01), (1 to the PRI or customer PBX = T02), (1 for the FXS = T03)
2. Then built 3: voice trunk lists for trunks T01 and T02 to use
3. A single: voice ani-list (for any: ani $)
4. Three voice grouped trunks were also built with permit and deny statements telling each trunk what it is allowed to manage as far as inbound vs. outbound call traffic:
a. voice grouped-trunk T01 = permits traffic from the PRI to the network outbound and denies all other trunks and ani's
b. voice grouped-trunk T02 = permits traffic from the network inbound to the PRI and denies all other trunks and ani's
c. voice grouped-trunk T03 = this is specifically a dialing plan outbound for all FXS lines ONLY
5. Each voice user xxxxxxxxxx then has its: sip-identity <insert 10-digit TN> and then pointed to T03 trunk for registration, SIP authentication and SIP password towards the switch (network) which is applied per subscriber built in the Metaswitch
This allows each call hitting the Adtran (any TA900 series: TA908,TA912,TA916 or TA924, etc) to act independently whereas prior to this, each outbound call on an FXS line was trying to use the PRI trunk for its outbound call completion instead of originating from its physical identity from a 66-block and out the amphenol pinout.
Per our conversation over Technical Support email, I will post the solution below:
1. Had to build 3 voice trunks (1 toward the network = T01), (1 to the PRI or customer PBX = T02), (1 for the FXS = T03)
2. Then built 3: voice trunk lists for trunks T01 and T02 to use
3. A single: voice ani-list (for any: ani $)
4. Three voice grouped trunks were also built with permit and deny statements telling each trunk what it is allowed to manage as far as inbound vs. outbound call traffic:
a. voice grouped-trunk T01 = permits traffic from the PRI to the network outbound and denies all other trunks and ani's
b. voice grouped-trunk T02 = permits traffic from the network inbound to the PRI and denies all other trunks and ani's
c. voice grouped-trunk T03 = this is specifically a dialing plan outbound for all FXS lines ONLY
5. Each voice user xxxxxxxxxx then has its: sip-identity <insert 10-digit TN> and then pointed to T03 trunk for registration, SIP authentication and SIP password towards the switch (network) which is applied per subscriber built in the Metaswitch
This allows each call hitting the Adtran (any TA900 series: TA908,TA912,TA916 or TA924, etc) to act independently whereas prior to this, each outbound call on an FXS line was trying to use the PRI trunk for its outbound call completion instead of originating from its physical identity from a 66-block and out the amphenol pinout.