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How can I set a primary SIP PRI for outgoing voice in a 908e?

How can I set a primary SIP PRI for outgoing voice in a 908e? I have two SIP PRI's going from a C15 soft switch to a 908e, from the switch  side i can set a primary pri to send calls to the 908. I would like to set the 908 side to have the first PRI as the priamry and the second PRI as a backup if the first goes down.

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Honored Contributor

Re: How can I set a primary SIP PRI for outgoing voice in a 908e?

Create two ISDN groups and two trunks, one for each PRI. Create a voice grouped-trunk for calls delivered to the PRIs. In the voice grouped-trunk for outbound calls to the PRIs put the trunks in the appropriate order.