I have a weird issue going on where I'm trying to get a couple T1 ports to get to a green status and just cannot get it to happen. I have a 908e with a SIP trunk and a single T1 trunk connected to an on-premise AMTelco Infinity via PRI full 23+1 DSO that works perfectly fine. I'm trying to get a 924e working with the same exact configuration as the 908e but for the life of me it will not go green. Stay in a LOS / Red state. I've used the same cable and port on the 924e but cannot get it to go green.
The only differences I can see other than the extra FXS ports are:
1. The 908e is running 12.4 firmware. The 924e is running 14.1.1. -- I've tried running v10 (what it came with) with no joy, but I have no ability to get the same version as the 908e anymore. Adtran downloads only go back to v13.
2. (this is splitting hairs obviously) Looking at the GUI I can see that the 908e actually says 908e on header of the page as opposed to the 924e which just says 900e up top. I know it's the same software for all 900e's but thought I would just mention that.
Here's some additional info:
- H1.100 ISDN Board from Infinity is in the AMTelco system.
- B8ZS/ESF/ANSI -- National 2 is the PRI/ISDN coding.
Let me know what else you might need. This is really strange as I stated above. Most of me believes it's just faulty ports on the 924e and I need another one, but I'd like to know if maybe someone had something interesting I could try before spending $1k on a replacement.
No, I'm not aware of any damaging events with the device.
My company recently acquired this company and it is inherited equipment. We are trying to get a spare in place and prepare for migration to a newer system.