I recently upgraded the firmware on our Netvanta 7100. After the upgrade, when I try to change phone settings through the management console I receive errors after hitting Apply. Also, under Voice - IP Phone Configs all phone configs are in orange and a message states "Deprecated phone model setting detected. Please double-click the highlighted item and select a new phone model." The problem with that is that when I selected a new phone model from the list provided for one of the phones, the phone failed to boot afterward and I had to manually make some changes to the configuration files for it to boot back up. Any ideas on what I'm dealing with here? My thought is that I have to upgrade the firmware on all phones to be compatible with the new Netvanta 7100 firmware but I don't want to upload the new phone firmware, reboot the phones and have them not boot like what happened to me with that one I mentioned. Appreciate the help.
Aaron, in newer versions of firmware on the 7100, some additional functionality was added in order to account for multiple types of phones running different firmware. In addition to setting the phone type, you need to be sure to go under IP Phone Globals and set the firmware versions for each phone model present on your system. Thanks
Aaron, in newer versions of firmware on the 7100, some additional functionality was added in order to account for multiple types of phones running different firmware. In addition to setting the phone type, you need to be sure to go under IP Phone Globals and set the firmware versions for each phone model present on your system. Thanks