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Is there a report that can show Channel status over a period of time?

I am looking for a report that will give me the same output of the cli command "Show Interface PRI # Realtime". I need the channel usage over a period of time but this only gives me realtime. I cannot seem to find anything that will do this on the GUI but would like to give a report on the usage per a time period.

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Re: Is there a report that can show Channel status over a period of time?


We don't keep a call records by default in the 7100. You would have to set up via SMDR logs. We can export them externally to a syslog server or you can even store them locally on the 7100.

See here for more info:  Configuring SMDR Reports for the NetVanta 7000 Series

Let me know if you have further questions.


Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Re: Is there a report that can show Channel status over a period of time?

You can monitor channels in use via SNMP and graph it with a network monitoring program such as MRTG, etc.