When ever I try to access the phone config for one particular phone (this is a simple remote phone) on my 7100, I get an error that says "Error parsing response to phone config retrieval (MAC 00:04.........)" and I cannot access the phone config. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?
Brandon, is it only happening on the one simple remote phone? Since those phones have to be manually edited to add the port value to the configuration, an extra character was more than likely added, like a carriage return, that's making it impossible for the 7100 to correctly parse the file. I would suggest deleting and re-adding the phone, then being careful when adding the port value to the file that there are no extra characters added.
Also, an important point to note, when you manually edit a Simple Remote Phone file to add a port and then make a change in the GUI to that phone config, the new port value will be overwritten and will need to be re-added manually.