The prior interface was configured with traffic-shape rate for 100Mbps for our carrier circuit, how can I accomplish this on a gigabit interface? I am also showing several differences in configuration from these two routers and I can't seem to locate a technical guide (like not being able to assign an IP to an interface without creating a sub interface), I would greatly appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance!
The 5660 platform is basically "a switch first, and router second". So you just build out the interfaces to sub-interfaces to add an IP address to them. Then you just treat the sub interfaces like any hardware interface for speed and duplex, traffic shaping, etc.
interface gigabit-eth 0/2
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/2.1
ce-vlan-id untagged
ip address <LAN_IP> <LAN_MASK>
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/3
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/3.1
description WAN
speed 100
ce-vlan-id untagged
no shutdown
Thanks for your help Michael,
I was trying to get this situated yesterday and I have the configuration pretty close to what you suggested. If I may, I have a couple more questions. I previously had my LAN interface configured with 802.1q with tagged vlan traffic. I understand that the ce-vlan-id is intended for tagging carrier ethernet traffic, but would I be able to use it a similiar fashion?
For example this is my old config:
interface gigabit-eth 0/1
encapsulation 802.1q
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/1.1
description Data
vlan-id 110 native
ip address 10.X.X.X
no awcp
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/1.2
description Internal Phones
vlan-id 125
ip address 192.X.X.X
no awcp
no shutdown
New config:
interface gigabit-eth 0/3
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/3.1
ce-vlan-id untagged
ip address 10.X.X.X
no awcp
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/3.2
ce-vlan-id 125
ip address 192.X.X.X
no awcp
no shutdown
And lastly, the interface connected to our carrier, I don't have the option to add the "priority percent X" under QOS. I also think I figured out the traffic shaping.
interface gigabit-eth 0/2
description Circuit
speed 100
no shutdown
interface gigabit-eth 0/2.1
ip address 10.X.X.X
qos-policy out VoIP
no shutdown
qos map VoIP 10
match precedence 5
match dscp ef
match ip list voice
set precedence 5
shaper Traffic-Shape
rate 100000
per interface gigabit-ethernet 0/2
no shutdown
Once again, I really appreciate your help.
You'll have two shapers basically. One for your traffic which you seem to have ok, and one for QOS for your VOIP. Should end up something like this:
interface gigabit-eth 0/2.1
description To WAN
ce-vlan-id untagged
ip address <insert IP address with mask >
ip access-policy XXXXXXX
media-gateway ip primary
qos-policy out WAN
no shutdown
shaper WAN
rate <line-rate-in-kbps>
per interface gigabit-ethernet 0/2
no shutdown
shaper WAN_VoIP
rate <priority queue rate>
per interface gigabit-ethernet 0/2 5
no shutdown
queue interface gigabit-ethernet 0/2 5
max-depth 24
qos map WAN 30
match dscp ef
match dscp cs5
match dscp af31
match dscp 44
set egress-queue 5
Thank you Michael, I will try that.