I'm having trouble removing an snmp user and group. My relative snmp config is as follows:
snmp agent
snmp-server view rrd included
snmp-server user rrd rrdV3 v3 auth md5 XXX priv des XXX ip access-class ACL_snmp
snmp-server user rrd2 rrdV3 v3 auth md5 XXX priv des SSS ip access-class ACL_snmp
snmp-server group rrdV3 v3 auth read rrd ip access-class ACL_snmp
When I issue the no snmp-server user ... command I get the following error.
Adtran4305(config)#no snmp-server user rrd rrdV3 v3 auth md5 XXX priv des XXX ip access-class ACL_snmp
%Could not perform operation.
any ideas on why?
I apologize for the trouble. This problem is related to specific hardware platforms and will be fixed in the next release of firmware (R10.0.1), which is scheduled for April 2012. Until this version of firmware is publicly available, you can workaround this by uploading a configuration with this command removed, and then rebooting the unit.
Here is the how to Upgrade Firmware in AOS document.
Please, let me know if you have any further questions on this topic.
Thank you for asking this question in the Support Community.
Are there any additional details you can provide? Do you know what version of firmware you are running (You can view this with the show version command)? When I tested this command in AOS version, it seemed to function properly:
ROUTER-NAME(config)# do show running-config | include snmp
snmp agent
snmp-server view rrd included
snmp-server user rrd rrdV3 v3 auth md5 XXX priv des XXX ip access-class acl
snmp-server user rrd2 rrdV3 v3 auth md5 XXX priv des SSS ip access-class acl
snmp-server group rrdV3 v3 auth read rrd ip access-class acl
ROUTER-NAME(config)# no snmp-server user rrd rrdV3 v3 auth md5 XXX priv des XXX ip access-class acl
ROUTER-NAME(config)# do show running-config | include snmp
snmp agent
snmp-server view rrd included
snmp-server user rrd2 rrdV3 v3 auth md5 XXX priv des SSS ip access-class acl
snmp-server group rrdV3 v3 auth read rrd ip access-class acl
Please, do not hesitate to reply to this post with any additional information or questions. I will be happy to help in any way I can.
Thanks for your reply here is the firmware version I am running.
! ADTRAN, Inc. OS version
! Boot ROM version 08.02.00.XA
! Platform: NetVanta 4305, part number 1200890L2
I apologize for the trouble. This problem is related to specific hardware platforms and will be fixed in the next release of firmware (R10.0.1), which is scheduled for April 2012. Until this version of firmware is publicly available, you can workaround this by uploading a configuration with this command removed, and then rebooting the unit.
Here is the how to Upgrade Firmware in AOS document.
Please, let me know if you have any further questions on this topic.