I am trying to route traffic Inter VLAN. Th config is a 1234 switch attached to a 4305. The address / subnets I need to route between
are and subnets. They are on VLAN 2 and 4 and are both secondary addresses. I have put in the necessary definitions and also
Firewall rules but it is not working - am I missing something?
Are the ports between the switch and the router setup as trunk ports? Are you allowing all vlans on the trunks ports or only specific ones and if so have you added the 2 new vlans? Are you able to ping the gateway address for either of those vlans from your main vlan?
I now have is 98% working. My issue it turn out was routing on the actual hosts.
I have multiple subnets on some of my VLANS because of the requirement of the hosts and I was missing gateway routing for those subnets.
I also had an issue with Ubuntu because they have made it harder to manually program the interfaces and routes.