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New Contributor III

Stop 3430 SBC from pinging LAN networks


We have a Netvanta 3430 SBC with a 10.x.x.x LAN interface and a public 77.x.x.x interface doing back to back user agent SIP trunk from cloud SIP provider.  It works fine.  However, if we packet capture from the main voicemail server and from a phone, we can sort "icmp.type==8 or icmp.type==0" and see that the Adtran is pinging LAN devices.

Why is it doing that can how can I make it stop?


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2 Replies
New Contributor III

Re: Stop 3430 SBC from pinging LAN networks

Might be onto something with:

no ip rtp quality-monitoring
no ip rtp quality-monitoring sip

I'll know more tomorrow.

New Contributor III

Re: Stop 3430 SBC from pinging LAN networks

This appears to have solved the issue.