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SCP firmware upgrade on NetVanta 1638P?

I like to update the switch firmware on all my other switches by using SCP from the switch to pull down the firmware image to the switch storage, and then executing whatever platform-specific commands are needed to update and reboot.

I've tried doing this on the Adtran NetVanta 1638P, but when I run

copy scp user@ flash

I am prompted for my password, I enter it, and it sits like this forever:

SW-VOICE-5A#$/home/user/ flash


Initiating SCP transfer...

I'm trying to copy the firmware image from a CentOS 7 server with a stock sshd_config file.

Here's the output of the dir command (commas added to numbers for readability), which shows that I have plenty of free space on the device (I think). According to 'ls' on my workstation, the firmware image is only 21,770,532 bytes.




          13653 startup-config

          11609 startup-config.bak

            787 STCFG568.TXT

44,541,952 bytes used, 89,675,776 available, 134,217,728 total

The device in question is running R11.3.0, and I am using the eth 0/1 out-of-band management port. ICMP reachability between the switch's control plane and the server hosting the firmware version has been verified.

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