My netvanta 1224r will periodically 7-10 days reboot itself. How come this is happening, and how do I view the logs?
Once a week our L2 switch 1224r is rebooting. I've done a show -event-history and here is results
Is their anything that I can do?
Error returned by flashDevice program operation: 49. Writing to sector 4294967295 offset 4 length 1.
2017.10.10 12:20:03 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM releaseSector Sector 4294967295, Offset 4, Length 1, error code 49
2017.10.10 12:20:03 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Software error: could not find physical sector 4294967295 in map.
2017.10.10 12:20:03 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Software error: could not find sector to re-write a sector into.
2017.10.10 12:21:35 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Error returned by flashDevice program operation: 49. Writing to sector 4294967295
offset 4 length 1.
2017.10.10 12:21:35 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM releaseSector Sector 4294967295, Offset 4, Length 1, error code 49
2017.10.10 12:21:35 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Software error: could not find physical sector 4294967295 in map.
2017.10.10 12:21:35 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Software error: could not find sector to re-write a sector into.
2017.10.10 12:21:37 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Error returned by flashDevice program operation: 49. Writing to sector 4294967295
offset 4 length 1.
2017.10.10 12:21:37 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM releaseSector Sector 4294967295, Offset 4, Length 1, error code 49
2017.10.10 12:21:37 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Software error: could not find physical sector 4294967295 in map.
2017.10.10 12:21:37 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Software error: could not find sector to re-write a sector into.
2017.10.10 12:21:51 OPERATING_SYSTEM.FILESYSTEM Error returned by flashDevice program operation: 49. Writing to sector 4294967295
It looks like a software bug but it could also be defective flash memory. What version of AOS is it running?