We have an Adtrain 830 and trying to find out it approve for GOV. I did not see it on DISA APLITS. Also I need some info on how to set it up with SPID
Thank you
I've heard of DISA but have no idea what "APLITS" is. I can tell you however that we have many DOD customers over the years using the ATLAS device for VTC functions (call switching, even secure VTC on PRI circuits) but we do not submit our product for any particular DOD compliance certifications. As for how to configure the SPIDS, assuming you have an old BRI module for an 800 series, there are documents for PRI to BRI configuration (which the BRI covers the SPIDs):
A PDF guide at https://supportforums.adtran.com/docs/DOC-1296, and a video covering the PDF at https://supportforums.adtran.com/videos/1031
Ronnie Colvin
Adtran Applications Engineering
Thank you. Also what is the current version?
Current software for an ATLAS 840 is version A04. More information and downloads available here: https://www.adtran.com/web/appmanager/portal/Adtran?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=waverunner_page_support_so...