I have an Adtran 550, and am trying to use the FXS-8 Module. I plugged in an analog phone, but no dial-tone..uht oh!
The module status has a fast-green light blinking, the manual shows it to be "firmware-invalid" or "offline". Judging by the output below it is indeed "firmware-invalid"
The manual doesn't point what to do from this so I'm left wondering.... Is it a bad flash or bad adtran? Or can it be fixed with software or a big hammer?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I like this forum, there was a great response to my last post thanks!
From what you are describing, I believe either the Firmware on the ATLAS chassis or the Firmware on the module needs to be upgraded. You can find what FW is on the chassis by looking under SYSTEM INFO and then looking at the FIRMWARE REVISION. The latest FW is C0904 for the ATLAS 550.
For the FXS module you can look under MODULES and then go into the MENU for the FXS module, into INFO. The FIRMWARE REVISION for the module is listed under INFO. The latest FW for the FXS module is C04.
You can find and download Firmware for ADTRAN products here: Software Downloads For the ATLAS products this is either a ZIP file or a self-extracting ZIP (executable). Once extracted it includes the Firmware file (a BIN or BIZ file) as well as instructions on how to do the Firmware upgrade.
Hope this helps,
Since there hasn't been any follow-up questions I assume this answered your question - so I will mark it as "assumed answered."