ATLAS Factory Default Procedure
In order to factory default the ATLAS you will need a serial connection to the CRAFT port (on the ATLAS 830 it needs to be the back ADMIN port) with the following settings:
Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bit: 1
Flow Control: None
Terminal Emulation: VT 100
With the terminal session open, power up the ATLAS while holding in the front ACO button. In your terminal connection you should see:
ATLAS 550 Boot ROM
Force Download
Press [ENTER] to continue...
(At this point you can release the ACO button.) Once you press [ENTER] you will see a menu. Using the arrow keys on your keyboard go down to "System Utility" and then right-arrow over and down to "Clear Config Memory". Press [ENTER] on this option’s "<+>" symbol. After this you will see:
Confirm (y/n)
** WARNING** This will clear the configuration memory and reboot!
Press "y" to confirm, and the ATLAS will reboot with factory default settings. The LOGIN will then be "password".