Sometimes there is a need to pull or push a file from your device in order to edit locally or provide to tech support. Below covers the commands needed to push and pull files from an ASE switch.
A TFTP server with anonymous access.
Network Access from switch to TFTP server.
Privliged Exec mode on ASE switch.
List files in directory/flash.
ASE_switch# dir
Directory of flash:
r- 2022-09-27 01:40:58 650 default-config
rw 2023-03-07 14:20:52 1385 custom-config
rw 2023-04-04 17:00:17 57193 crashfile
rw 2023-03-29 15:01:06 6798 startup-config
rw 2020-01-01 00:01:26 222 TLV-config
rw 2023-03-07 14:20:52 102 webiconlist
12 files, 318433 bytes total.
Flash size: 41922560 bytes (40.0 MiB)
Flash free: 41754624 bytes (39.8 MiB)
Copy file FROM flash to TFTP server.
syntax: copy flash:<filename> tftp://<ipaddress>/<filename>
example: ASE_switch# copy flash:crashfile tftp://
Copy file TO flash from TFTP server.
Copy the file to the switch from the TFTP server.
syntax: copy tftp://<ipaddress>/<filename> flash:<filename>
example: ASE_switch# copy tftp:// flash:configbackup123
Delete a file in flash.
syntax: delete flash:<filename>
example ASE_switch# delete flash:configbackup123
Additional info
A valid file name is a text string drawn from alphabet (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), dot (.), hyphen (-), under score (_). The maximum length is 63
and hyphen must not be first character. The file name content that only contains '.' is not allowed.